There was I. Scanning the horizon in search of a break in the clouds, looking for the perfect location for my purpose; portray one of the most important meteor showers of the year, Geminids meteor shower.
This year was perfect, everything was going well. The highlight of the main event coincided with a night without influence of the moon. Still, perhaps the mistake was not going far enough from light pollution. The forecast made me doubt until the last moment of my space hunt and when I took courage and decided to go into the night, it was too late for a good planning in a remote environment.
Still, I went to a couple of well-targeted locations, those that never fail to me, and with the company of my doggy friend, I laid on the floor in order to see the flashes of light crossing the sky. I did not have much luck photographically speaking. Anyway, I share with you a pair of pictures taken the night of 13th and 14th December.

This first picture was taken in Montserrat. The meteor appears in the upper left corner. I was very lucky to have my wide angle lens with me, otherwise it would not be captured. As I said in the previous post, not always pointing to the radiant constellation works. But in this second image (taken in Montseny Natural Park) what I did was to put the camera on the ground, without tripod, and I took a series of pictures one after the other in order to capture an interesting number of meteors. The resulting image is a photomontage result of combining 8 photos, intending to show that all meteors from a meteor shower come from the same place and take the same direction.
And you… Did you caught any meteor?